英語エッセイ部門 優秀賞

Familiar Problems

9th grade, Anan Municipal Fukui Junior High School

After I watched the Megumi video, I was curious why North Korea was abducting people and what was happening to the people who were not returning. Thus, I researched it.
It turns out that the abductions conducted by North Korea were for the purpose of using Japanese people to train operatives and subjugate South Korea to the North’s view of “unity” in the Korean Peninsula.

The video had an impressive scene featuring a figure of a person walking over a leaflet without even paying attention to it. It was shocking to those who sincerely hoped for Megumi return to Japan and believed in their campaign. However, not only had their papers been carelessly trampled, but it was as if their own hearts had been crushed as well. It felt as though Japan was not even interested in the abduction issue taking place…and that was a huge problem. In order to solve important human rights issue, there must be general interest and concern regarding those matters.

When I was in elementary school, I read a book written by Dr. King from the United States. He confronted racism not with violence, but with protest. He appealed to many about the absurdities of discrimination. Perhaps no better phrase captures his perspective than this particular one: “We remember the silence of our friends, not the words of our enemies.” It is a reminder that those who remain silent and overlook the suffering of others quietly stand with those who discriminate. I think that it’s very easy to avoid personal responsibility in situations like these because the problems often seem so large. It’s simple to just assure ourselves that we are completely powerless. However, this mindset only further torments victims and their families, as well as hinders any real progress towards ending such heinous abduction crimes.

In order to resolve the abduction issue, we must first be willing acknowledge the reality of its existence. We can’t solve a problem if we simply keep stepping over it. Additionally, we must also be able to imagine what kind of days Megumi, her parents, other victims, and their families have faced. We must work together and make great efforts to resolve this heartbreaking issue as soon as possible.